Effect of Organic Fertilizer on the Changes of Soil Microbial Population and Yield of Morus alba var. Sakhon Nakhon

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พัชรินทร์ โพธิ์ทอง
พัชราวดี วัฒนวิกย์กิจ
หฤษฏ์ นิ่มรักษา
โสภณ บุญมีวิเศษ


Effect of organic fertilizer on soil microorganism quantity and yield of  Morus alba var. Sakhon Nakhon was pot experiment at field trial in Nong-Ya sub-district, Muang District, Kanchanaburi province during October 2016-November 2017. The experiment was set up using a randomized complete block comprising 10 treatments with 4 replications. The treatments were as follows: 1) control (without chemical and organic fertilizer application), 2)  chemical fertilizer at the rate of 100 kg/rai/year, 3) cow manure at the rate of 1,000 kg/rai/year, 4) cow manure at the rate of 2000 kg/rai/year, 5)  cow manure at the rate of 1,000 kg/rai/year incorporated with Liquid Organic fertilizer (LOF) 25  liter /rai/year 6)  cow manure at the rate of 2,000 kg/rai/year incorporated LOF 25 liter /rai/year 7) chicken manure at the rate of 1,000 kg/rai/year, 8)  chicken manure at the rate of 2,000 kg/rai/year, 9) chicken manure at the rate of 1,000 kg/rai/year incorporated  LOF 25 liter /rai/year and 10)  chicken manure at the rate of 2,000 kg/rai/year incorporated  LOF 25 liter /rai/year. The results indicated that the application of chicken manure with 2,000 kg/rai/year incorporated with 25 liters LOF contributed the highest yield components (branch length and the total leaf weight at the first and the second harvest.  These were 193.30 cm. and 205.00 cm. for the branch length at the first and the second harvesting and for a leaf weight  at 530 and 2,450.25 g/plant, respectively. Whereas, the application of chemical fertilizer at the rate of 100 kg/rai/year the branch length was 149.00 and 177.25 cm. and the total leaf weight was 292.50 and 2,022.75 g/plant at the first and second harvest, respectively. For the control,   the lowest values of branch length and total leaf weight at the first and the second harvest were found at 109.00 cm., 126.00 cm., and 112.50 g. and 973.50 g., respectively.  The application of chicken manure at the rate of 2,000 kg./rai/year incorporated with LOF 25 liter /rai/year promoted the highest tolal soil fungi at 4.57 cfu./g.for dry soil Whilst, the application of chicken manure at the rate of 1,000 kg./rai/year incorporated with LOF 25 liter /rai/year and cow manure at the rate of 2,000 kg./rai/year incorporated with LOF 25 liter /rai/year gave equally the total soil fungi at 4.13 cfu./g.for dry soil. However, the application of chemical fertilizer at the rate of 100 kg./rai/year gave the lowest of total soil fungi. The same pattern result was occurred for the total soil bacteria.  It was revealed that the application of chicken manure at the rate of 2,000 kg.rai/year incorporated with LOF 25 liter /rai/year gave the highest total amount of soil bacteria at 7.41 cfu./g.for dry soil . Whilst, the application of chicken manure at the rate of 2,000 kg./rai/year gave equally the total soil bacteria at 6.36 cfu./g.for dry soil . However, the application of chemical fertilizer at the rate of 100 kg./rai/year gave the lowest of total soil bacteria.

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How to Cite
โพธิ์ทอง พ., วัฒนวิกย์กิจ พ., นิ่มรักษา ห., & บุญมีวิเศษ โ. (2019). Effect of Organic Fertilizer on the Changes of Soil Microbial Population and Yield of Morus alba var. Sakhon Nakhon. Ramkhamhaeng Research Journal of Sciences and Technology, 22(1), 11–22. Retrieved from https://li01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rusci/article/view/217010


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