The Solar Cell Application for Electric Energy Distribution at the Ramkhamhaeng University Deer Farm

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ศิศีโรตม์ เกตุแก้ว
พรชัย วงศ์วาสนา
มณี อัชวรานนท์


In this research investigation, the researchers present the solar cell application for the electric energy distribution at the Ramkhamhaeng University (RU) Deer Farm under an innovative research program for modern agriculture. Initially, the researchers explored the areas in the deer farm in order to use the information for the design of a photovoltaic system. Secondly, the electric energy system from solar cells of 15 kilowatts was used with the installation being divided into three sections. The first section was the installation of five kilowatts at the deer cages in front of the deer farm with the electric energy being distributed to a water pump and a food mixer. The second section was five kilowatts installed at the deer cages behind the deer farm with the electric energy being distributed to two water pumps for watering the grass plots. The third section was five kilowatts installed at the freezer with the electric energy being distributed to the cooling system. All three sections combined used 15 kilowatts of electricity as designed. The testing of the photovoltaic system was conducted by measuring the total electric energy and monthly electricity bills. The 3G cellular system was used to conveniently collect the results. Findings showed that prior to the installation of the photovoltaic system, the RU Deer Farm paid an average of 10,392.36 baht
per month for electricity. After the installation of the system, the electricity bill was 6,765.45 baht per month. It was found that the deer farm saved the electricity bill of 3,626.91 baht per month. The amount of electric energy used and global warming were decreased. In the future, the researchers would install more photovoltaic systems in order to distribute electric energy to all the places on the deer farm. The researchers would like to express their gratitude for the government budget in 2018 provided by the National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT) and the director of the RU Deer Farm in Sukhothai province, other researchers, and the personnel at the RU Deer Farm as well as for the provision of the RU Deer Farm as a research site. 

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How to Cite
เกตุแก้ว ศ. ., วงศ์วาสนา พ. ., & อัชวรานนท์ ม. . (2020). The Solar Cell Application for Electric Energy Distribution at the Ramkhamhaeng University Deer Farm . Ramkhamhaeng Research Journal of Sciences and Technology, 23(1), 63–73. Retrieved from


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