Logistics Management and Safety Prototype Tourism Rafts of Ban Tha Ruea Phu Sing, Kalasin Province
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Logistics Management and Safety Prototype Tourism Rafts of Ban Tha Ruea Phu Sing, Kalasin Province. Which is a collaboration between students in Logistics Engineering and Transportation Technology, faculty of Engineering and Industrial Technology, Kalasin University with local entrepreneurs in Sahatsakhan district. The aims of this research are: to study the supply chain of community-based tourism related to rafts in order to create tourism public relations to generate more income and develop a model tourism raft on safety. The study found that it could result in an increase in revenue for enterprises by 8,000 baht, representing 40 percent, which can be a model for safe tourism rafts for nearby community enterprises and other similar areas.
Keywords: Supply chain, Publicity, Safety
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