Measurement of floodwater levels in urban areas using digital image processing.

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Krittiya Pongunya
Kumpee Teeravech


This research aims to study the methodology for calculating floodwater level in the photographs of urban areas using digital image processing techniques. The methodology can be divided into five steps: 1) data preparation 2) noise reduction 3) edge detection 4) extraction of vertical lines, and 5) calculation of the floodwater level. There are two distinct study areas that variations in the appearance of edges. To simulate flooding, water is manually added to the images using photo retouching software. The experimental results show that the error in calculating the floodwater level for the first study is 7.44 and 55.56 for the second area. The higher error rate in the second area can be attributed to the presence of the objects with vertical edges, such as fences and columns, which has greater presence compared to the first area.

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How to Cite
pongunya, krittiya, & ธีระเวช ค. . (2024). Measurement of floodwater levels in urban areas using digital image processing.: . Kalasin University Journal of Science Technology and Innovation, 3(1), 16–24.
Research Articles


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