Creating an Accessible Community Database System of Traditional Healers in Sakon Nakhon Province.

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Wuttipong Hamvong
Pichet Vechwitan


The research focuses on development of an accessible database system for traditional healers in Sakon Nakhon Province. The objectives were to survey, collect, and disseminate information on traditional healers using this database system. The study covers 18 districts and 125 sub-districts in Sakon Nakhon Province. The database was, developed with PHP and Thunkable, and is managed with Microsoft Access and MySQL to ensure an efficient relational database. The survey results identified a total of 1,545 traditional healers, with 1,422 registered with the Provincial Public Health Office. The majority of the healers are male (54.07%) and are aged between 61-70 years (37.34%). The primary motivation for becoming a traditional healer is the inheritance of knowledge from ancestors (42.2%), with most specializing in herbal compress massage (30.75%). The system’s effectiveness was evaluated by five computer experts, who gave it an average score of 3.81 (SD = 0.16), indicating a good level. User satisfaction was assessed among 412 users, with an average score of 3.60 (SD = 0.77), indicating a high level of satisfaction. This research provides an effective and widely accepted database system that will help preserve and disseminate traditional medical knowledge in Sakon Nakhon Province, benefiting the community and the broader public health sector.

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How to Cite
Hamvong, W. ., & Vechwitan, P. . (2024). Creating an Accessible Community Database System of Traditional Healers in Sakon Nakhon Province. Kalasin University Journal of Science Technology and Innovation, 3(2), 73–93.
Research Articles


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