Behaviour and Life Cycle of firefly, Luciola sp.


  • สมหมาย ชื่นราม


The behavior and life cycle of a firefly bspecies (Luciola sp.) collected from Phraa Naknon si Ayuthaya Province have been studied. Their karvae are aqyatuc kuvubg ub a stukkm fresg water cabak civered wutg aqyatuc okabts. The habitat of this firefly species was investigated in detail. The snails which are the food of the firefly larvae were thoroughly collected in the area and identified. The result reveals that all snail species found are larvae were thoroughly collected in the area and identified. The revelas that all snail species found are the intermediate hosts of mammal including human diseases. The adults of firefies can be seen after dardk flying with their glitering light, signalling for mating. Their flight activity is between 7-9 pm. The behavior of the luminescent larvar were also observed in the field. Study of firefiles life-cycle was conducted in the laboratory. The female lays eggs in a mass underside the leave of the aquatic plant. The number of the eggs in an egg mass varies from 5 to 130 eggs. There are 5 larval instars. Pupation takes place in a soil cell beneath rubbish or on the surface in a moist situation. The total life-cycle period of firefly in approximately 3 months in wet season and 5 months in dry season.



How to Cite

ชื่นราม ส. (2020). Behaviour and Life Cycle of firefly, Luciola sp. Thai Agricultural Research Journal, 14(1), 44–52. Retrieved from



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