Assessment of Postharvest Loss in Soybean Supply Chain


  • Nettra Somboonkaew Postharvest and Processing Research and Development Division, Department of Agriculture
  • Jarurat Pumprasert Postharvest and Processing Research and Development Division, Department of Agriculture
  • Nutthakan Sattrapai Postharvest and Processing Research and Development Division, Department of Agriculture
  • Kanyalak Sanosomneng Postharvest and Processing Research and Development Division, Department of Agriculture
  • Sittiphong Srisawangwong Khon Kaen Seed Reseach and Development Center, Department of Agriculture
  • Wimonrat Dumkum Khon Kaen Seed Reseach and Development Center, Department of Agriculture
  • Siwakorn Keatmaneerat Chiang Mai Field Crops Research Center, Department of Agriculture
  • Panomprai Sumretrum Khon Kaen Seed Reseach and Development Center, Department of Agriculture
  • Artit Hemra Khon Kaen Seed Reseach and Development Center, Department of Agriculture
  • Sumitra Sri-iam Postharvest and Processing Research and Development Division, Department of Agriculture



cereal, critical point, food loss, supply chain in Thailand, SDG 12.3.1


Soybean is one of important commodities in Thailand but information on losses and their causes is not up-to-date. The objective of this study was to identify the losses that occur in soybean supply chain, members in the chain and their roles in relation to losses, baseline of losses and critical points in the supply chain that causes losses. The obtained information was further used to reduce soybean losses in Thailand. The members in supply chain were in-depth interviewed, and soybeans samples were taken from each step in the supply chainforactual loss measurements.They werefrom the Provincesof Chiang Rai, Nan, Lampang, Chiang Mai, Mae Hong Son, Sukhothai, Nong Bua Lamphu, Udonthani and Khon Kaen in the 2020/2021 production year. Results showed that farmers play an important role invarious stepsof soybeansupplychaintogether withharvestor,collectorandentrepreneurs. The average loss of soybean (from actual measurements) throughout the supply chain was 34.1% whichcouldbedividedinto9.7% lossesatharvesting(harvestedbyhands1.91% and combine harvester 17.67%), threshing 6.38%, drying and storing at farmer’s house 7.79%, storage at collection point 5.63% and at raw material warehouse (before processing) 4.63%. Apparently, harvesting especially by machine caused the most loss, followed by improper storage and threshing. Thus, developing suitable method and equipment for soybean harvesting, threshing, and storage are essential to decrease the soybean losses in Thailand


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How to Cite

Somboonkaew, N., Pumprasert, J., Sattrapai, N. ., Sanosomneng, K. ., Srisawangwong, S. ., Dumkum, W., Keatmaneerat, S., Sumretrum, P. ., Hemra, A. ., & Sri-iam, S. (2022). Assessment of Postharvest Loss in Soybean Supply Chain . Thai Agricultural Research Journal, 40(2).



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