Correlation Analysis among Chemical Properties, Viscosity Properties and Isoamylase Activities of Waxy Corn Flours
Waxy Corns, Pearson correlation coefficient, Chemical properties, Viscosity properties, Isoamylase activitiesAbstract
The objective of this research was to study relationship among chemical properties, viscosity properties and isoamylase activities of thirty inbred lines/hybrids/ commercial hybrids waxy corns. The information of these variables could be used as basis for waxy corn variety improvement. Pearson correlation coefficient was used to analyse the correlation between variables. We found that total starch content had a positive correlation (p<0.05) with amylose content and amylopectin content. The peak viscosity had a positive correlation coefficient (p<0.05) with breakdown and setback. The Pearson correlation analysis of chemical properties and viscosity properties showed that the total starch content exhibited positive correlation coefficient (p<0.05) with the peak viscosity and breakdown. Similarly, the amylose content was positively correlated (p<0.05) with the peak viscosity and the breakdown. A positive correlation coefficient (p<0.05) was also observed between the amylopectin content and the peak viscosity and between the amylopectin content and the breakdown. On the other hand, the debranching activities of isoamylase displayed a positive correlation coefficient with the total starch content, amylopectin content and breakdown but showed a negative correlation coefficient (p<0.05) with the setback. Information on relationship between these variables could be used as basis for selection of waxy corn inbred lines and hybrids for the stickiness texture under breeding program in future.
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