Evaluation of Thai Rice Varieties for Resistance to Bipolaris oryzae, the Causal Agent of Brown Spot Disease
Rice, brown spot disease, resistance, Bipolaris oryzaeAbstract
Brown spot disease of rice is caused by the fungus Bipolaris oryzae. This fungal pathogen could infect leaves, leaf sheaths, panicles, and seeds. The use of resistant varieties is an effective and safe way for farmers. However, the resistance will change when the new fungal strains invades the area. This study aimed to determine the resistance of rice varieties to three isolates of B. oryzae. The combined analysis of ITS rDNA, 28S rDNA, and GAPDH revealed that these isolates had clustered sequences similar to those of the type species of B. oryzae. The resistant screening of 72 rice varieties to the three isolates of B. oryzae and cluster analysis UPGMA showed consistent results. Results revealed that Homsuphan displayed resistance (R) and moderate resistance (MR) while RD29 and Niao Dam displayed high susceptibility (HS) to all three isolates. The information was useful for future rice breeding programs for brown spot disease resistance.
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