Effect of Acid Modification and Pre-gelatinization Methods on Physicochemical Properties of Water Chestnut Flour

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Wijitra Liaotrakoon
Vachiraya liaotrakoon


The objective of this research was to study the effect of modification methods by acid modification and pre-gelatinization on physicochemical, pasting properties and freeze-thaw stability of water chestnut flours. The water chestnut was modified with hydrochloric acid solution, pre-gelatinized with moist-heating, and prepared as native starch using sodium hydroxide solution. It was found that the modification methods had a significant effect on physicochemical, pasting and freeze-thaw stability properties of modified water chestnut flours. The protein, carbohydrate, and amylose contents of acid-modified water chestnut flour was lower than the pre-gelatinized flour, whereas the swelling power and solubility of pre-gelatinized water chestnut flour were higher than the acid-modified flour and native starch, respectively (p<0.05). In addition, the peak viscosity, breakdown, final viscosity, and setback values, of acid-modified water chestnut flour were lower than the pre-gelatinized flour and native starch, respectively (p<0.05). The acid-modified water chestnut flour shown no syneresis in all 5 cycles of freezing and thawing at 30, 60 and 90 °C. Therefore, the modified water chestnut flour has the potential to be used in food industry.

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How to Cite
Liaotrakoon, W., & liaotrakoon, V. (2020). Effect of Acid Modification and Pre-gelatinization Methods on Physicochemical Properties of Water Chestnut Flour. Journal of Food Technology, Siam University, 15(2), 82–95. retrieved from https://li01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JFTSU/article/view/240471
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