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  • This article is my own article or it is my article and those named in the work and have received the consent of those named in the work to submit articles for publication.
  • An article submitted for publication must not be an article that has previously been published in any journal and must not be an article being considered by another journal.
  • The journal reserves the right to accept only articles formatted as specified by the journal, and the editorial team reserves the right to produce a printed journal for publication as appropriate.
  • Articles, texts, illustrations and tables published in this journal are the personal opinions of the contributors, the editors are not obligated to agree and are not responsible for it. It is the responsibility of the contributor.

Submission Guidelines

Journal of Vocational Education in Agriculture

 template manuscript

1.Articles to be published must be research articles and academic articles on agriculture and agricultural careers such as plant production, animal production, aquaculture, agricultural processing, transportation and distribution of agricultural products, agricultural extension, vocational education in agriculture and other related fields and has never been published or is under consideration for publication anywhere before.

2. The manuscript should be printed with a general document program such as Microsoft Word (.docx), using the TH Sarabun PSK font, size 14 pts. The topic uses the TH Sarabun PSK font, size 16 pts., bold.

3. Research articles should have topics in the following order: (The topic of an academic article could be tailored by the author to correspond with the content. Academic articles can use the same template as research articles.)


Author' s name and Affiliation

Abstract: The length must not exceed 300 words and include 3 - 5 keywords at the end of the abstract.

Introduction: Show the problem's origin and importance, literature review and research objectives.

Research methodology: Includes information about the experimental unit, suitable methods for gathering data, experimental designs,  statistical evaluation and make explicit the place and duration of the study project.

Result: Show research results

Discussion and Conclusion: It should include principles that emerge from the research and compare them with the findings of others. Suggestions for future research and other related discussion issues

Acknowledgments: (if any) for research assistants or preparing documents (but not a co-researcher)
Source of funds, agency or others as appropriate

References: APA format, follow the format in Section 6.

4.In-text citation; Use numbers in square brackets according to the order of references in the content.


High concentration nitrogen in natural water body had been a dramatic water quality problem all over the world [1]. During the past decade, many researches showed that high concentration nitrogen caused eutrophication [2], effected on reproduction of mangrove forest and stimulated pH balance causing aquatic life [3]. In Thailand, there were many major nitrogen sources such as agricultural area, domestic area, commercial area and farming area causing environmental problems. Because Thailand was agricultural country, the major nitrogen source was farming area [4]. Exceed nitrogen from fertilizer and animal feces were released to natural water source and accumulated at the bottom. Due to this topic, a lot of studies try to find the best solution to reduce exceed nitrogen including; physical process chemical process and biological process [5].

Square brackets must only indicate the position of the reference. Must not affect the content described by the author.

5. Tables and figure are spaced one line apart and inserted into the content. When inserting footnotes into tables, use a numerical system to display the description. The table name should be placed above the table.

6. Reference in APA format. Arranged in order of references in the content. 

6.1 Journal

Author(s). (Year). Article title. Journal title, Volume number(issue number), Number of pages.


1 Author

Dubeck, L. (1990). Science fiction aids science teaching. Physics Teacher, 28, 316-318.

2 Author

Rakthai, S. & Kanoklapassakul, K. (2016). Evaluation Learning Achievement of Learning Experience Topic in Netball Athletic for High School Students. Thai Journal of Science and Technology, 5(3), 303-312. (in Thai)

Changjan, A. & Udomsamuthirun, P. (2011). The critical magnetic field of anisotropic to-band magnetic superconductors. Solid State Communications, 151, 988-992.

3 or more authors

Rakthai, S., et al. (2015). Creating Learning Experience Model in Environmental Chemistry for High School Students. Pathumwan Academic Journal, 5(14), 43-49. (in Thai)

6.2 textbook

Author(s). (Year). Book title. Book edition. Place of publication: Publisher name.


Spally, M.R. & Morgan, S.S. (1989). Methods of Food Analysis. 2nd ed. New York: Elsevier.

6.3 website

Author(s). (Year). title. Available from URL. Accessed date: xx xxxx xxxx.


Mackenzie, D. (2006). Instant Expert: Bird Flu. Available from http://www.newscientist.com. Accessed date: 27 January 2000.

6.4 Dissertation/thesis

Author. (Year of degree). Title. (type of publication, for example: Doctoral dissertation, Master thesis, University or Institute).


Jiwalak, N. (2002). Preparation and characterization of activated carbon from lignite coal by physical and chemical activation, (Master thesis, Suranaree University of Technology). (in Thai)

6.5 Research reports

Author(s). (Year). Title (Research reports). Place of publication: Publisher name.


Vadhanasin, V. (2018). Information Seeking Behavior through Social Media for Product Buying Decision via E-Commerce System (Research reports). Bangkok: Srinakharinwirot University. (in Thai)

6.6 conference proceeding)

Author(s). (Year). Title. In Name of conference (Number of pages). dates of conference, place of conference.


Moschandreas, D. J., et al. (2002). Contribution of the inhalation route to cumulative risk estimates from multiple route exposures to pesticides in NHEXAS-AZ residences. In The 9th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate (p. 10-18). 30 June – 5 July, 2002, Monterey, California, USA.


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Editing and acceptance for publication

1. Articles that have been considered for publication by at least 3 experts from various institutions (double-blind review) and the editorial team have been accepted for publication in the Journal of Vocational Education in Agriculture.

2. The editorial team reserves the right to prepare journal format for publication as appropriate.

3. The journal reserves the right to accept only articles that are formatted as specified by the journal.

4. Articles, text, figure and tables published in the journal are the personal opinions of the author. The editors do not necessarily agree and take no responsibility.