Suitable Media for Cultivation of Cordyceps militaris

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สุภาพร อวรัญ


The objective of this research was to study culture media and sterile method for
fruiting body formation of Cordyceps militaris. C. militaris cultured on 9 formulas of culture
medium using completely randomize design (CRD) with 10 replications. The results showed
that the culture medium formula 2, 7, 8 and 9 gave the highest fruiting body dry weight was
not significantly different and medium formula 9 (jasmine brown rice mixed with medium #3)
gave the highest fruiting body dry weight at 3.9 g. The fruiting body dry weight formula 8
(jasmine brown rice mixed with medium #2), formula 2 (riceberry brown rice mixed with
medium #2), formula 7 (jasmine brown rice mixed with medium #1) and formula 3 (riceberry
brown rice mixed with medium # 3) and gave fruiting body dry weight at 3.8, 3.8, 3.6 and 3.5
g, respectively. The comparison between 2 sterile method, found that using of 100 mL of
hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in culture medium and steamed at 100°C for 3 hr. gave a better
result than autoclave for 45 min.

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How to Cite
อวรัญ ส. (2020). Suitable Media for Cultivation of Cordyceps militaris. Journal of Vocational Education in Agriculture, 3(2), 15–23. retrieved from
Research Article