Efficiency of Gracilaria fisheri to reducing the nitrogen compounds and orthophosphates for water treatment

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Kamonwan Suphawinyoo
Yuttana Savangarrom
Kanyanat Srisukphu
Nathida Butwan
sutasinee rungsang
Noppadol Kannika
Charus Somchit
Thitipat Weeplian


Study on the efficiency of Gracilaria fisheri to reducing the ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and and orthophosphates contents from synthetic water. Including 4 experiments; 1) effect of Gracilaria fisheri to reducing ammonia content in water, 2) effect of Gracilaria fisheri to reducing nitrite content in water, 3) effect of Gracilaria fisheri to reducing nitrate content in water and 4) the effect of Gracilaria fisheri to reducing the orthophosphate content in water. In each experiment, there were 4 different amounts of Gracilaria fisheri with triplicate; 0 g/L (T1 or control group), 1 g/L (T2), 5 g/L (T3), and 10 g/L (T4). The total volume of water for each treatment was 5 L. The experimental period was 28 days or until the content of nitrogen compounds and orthophosphate decreased to 0 mg/L. At the end of the experiment, changes in the fresh weights of Gracilaria fisheri were determined.

The result of experiment 1 showed that 10 g/L of Gracilaria fisheri could reduce 100% of ammonia content at 4 days after treatment (DAT). In experiment 2, using 10 g/L of Gracilaria fisheri could reduce 100% of nitrite at 7 DAT. Both experiments showed that T4 treatment was no significant effective than T3 treatment (P>0.05). Experiment 3 found that 10 g/L of Gracilaria fisheri could reduce 100% of nitrate by at 13 DAT and showed that T4 treatment was significantly effective than other treatments (P<0.05). However, the result of experiment 4 showed that 10 g/L of Gracilaria fisheri could reduce the orthophosphate content better than other treatments but not significantly different (P>0.05). The content of orthophosphate in all treatments was not different (P>0.05). The fresh weights of Gracilaria fisheri in each experiment of T4 were increased by 12.7±1.2%, 11.3±1.2%, 21.3±4.2%, and 31.3±7.6%, respectively.

Hence, using 5 g/L of Gracilaria fisheri had higher efficiency in reducing the content of ammonia and nitrite in the water and using 10 g/L of Gracilaria fisheri had higher efficiency in reducing the content of nitrate in water.

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How to Cite
Suphawinyoo, K., Savangarrom, Y. ., Srisukphu, K. ., Butwan, N. ., rungsang, sutasinee ., Kannika, N. ., Somchit, C. ., & Weeplian, T. . (2020). Efficiency of Gracilaria fisheri to reducing the nitrogen compounds and orthophosphates for water treatment . Journal of Vocational Education in Agriculture, 4(1), 39–49. Retrieved from https://li01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JVIA/article/view/241503
Research Article


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