Effects of Natural Environmental Structure on Growth Performance of Indigenous Chicks (Lueng Hang Khao)
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The objectives of this research were to study natural environmental structures affected the growth performance and to create a forecast model estimating the feed conversion per gain (FCG) cost of indigenous chicks (Lueng Hang Khao) at 0-6 weeks of age. The temperature humidity index (THI) and heat stress index (HSI) of the study area were analyzed for 105 chick rearing experiments. Data collection, namely, air temperature, relative humidity, light intensity, wind speed, rice husk moisture value, feed quantity and chick weight were carried out for 45 days. The results of this research revealed that air temperature had a high correlation coefficient and statistically significant at 99% confidence level for feed intake, average daily gain (ADG) and feed conversion ratio (FCR). Analysis of multiple linear regressions together with the natural logarithm transformation to create a linear regression with natural logarithm transformation model (LRNLT-Model) to forecast the FCG cost was carried out. To investigate the model's performance, the model was created from actual data. The results of the efficacy test of the forecast model showed that the values from the model was consistent with the results from the actual trial. The values of the calculation of the model and those obtained from actual data were in reasonable agreement with the root mean square difference (RMSD) of 6.36%, which was less than the commonly used multiple linear regression model and the mean bias difference (MBD) of 0.26%. The results of this research, besides the effects of natural environmental structure on chick growth performance and feed cost forecasting model, could also be used to develop a simple technology to control the natural environmental structure.
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