Soil Moisture Prediction via a Multiple Linear Regression Model for Stainless Steel Tube Sensor

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warapol kasemsan
Atirat Maksuwan


In soil moisture measuring system, a type of soil moisture sensor was developed using stainless steel tubes. The electrical contact resistance of stainless steel arose as a result of the dense protective oxide layer. Generally, the measurement of the soil moisture using advanced analytical instruments is costly and difficult. In current study, the researchers developed a multiple linear regression model to predict soil moisture via environmental parameters using analytical instruments through stainless steel tube sensor. The results showed a low prediction root mean squared error (RMSE) and stable model performance. This modeling approach contributes to efficient and low-cost for soil moisture estimation and understanding of the soil moisture based on the environmental parameters.

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How to Cite
kasemsan, warapol, & Maksuwan, A. . (2023). Soil Moisture Prediction via a Multiple Linear Regression Model for Stainless Steel Tube Sensor. Journal of Vocational Education in Agriculture, 7(1), 101–117. retrieved from
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