Efficiency of Effective Microorganisms for Treating Effluent from Anabas testudineus Experimental house

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Sugunya kumla
Boonthiwa Chartchumni
Somsak Rayan
Jureeporn Wongjunda


The purpose of this research was to study the use of EM microorganisms in the treatment of effluent from Anabas testudineus Experimental house. The ratio of EM to effluent (EM: effluent) was 0:1000, 1:1000, 1:2000, 1:3000, 1:4000, and 1:5000 (V/V), and the period of effluent sampling was 10, 20, and 30 days. The mean of effluent quality was analyzed and compared by using Duncan's New Multiple Range Test (DMRT) at 95 percent significance. The results showed that the treatment efficacy declined at 10 days. The efficacy of pH treatment at 1:1000 was 7.03±1.68. At 20 days, dissolved oxygen (DO) at 1:2000 was 3.11±2.25; BOD at 1:5000 was 0.55±0.70 mg/L; Ammonia (NH3) at 1:2000 was 0.53±0.01 mg.N-/L. In addition, total solids (TSS) at 1:5000 was 0.27±0.75 21 mg/L; total phosphorus (Total P) at 1:2000 was 0.03±0.00 mg-P/L; total nitrogen (Total N) at 1:1000 was 1.72±1.36 mg.N-/L. EM microorganisms can rapidly reduce the amount of suspended solids, BOD and total phosphorus. Therefore, the amount of EM microorganisms and the duration of water treatment affected the wastewater treatment.

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How to Cite
kumla, S., Chartchumni, B. ., Rayan, S. ., & Wongjunda, J. . (2024). Efficiency of Effective Microorganisms for Treating Effluent from Anabas testudineus Experimental house. Journal of Vocational Education in Agriculture, 8(1), 14–25. retrieved from https://li01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JVIA/article/view/257337
Research Article


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