Marigold Flowers, Phytochemical, AntioxidantAbstract
This research aimed to study was compared to other processes including aqueous decoction,
maceration and Soxhlet extraction on the photochemical contents, antioxidant activities and Antidenaturation activity of marigold flowers (Rocco Deep Gold). The results showed that 95% ethanol
Soxhlet extraction of flowers contained higher content of phenolics and carotenoids than the other
extracts (63.9±0.01 mg GAE/g extract and 103.95 mg/g extract, respectively). Fifty percentage ethanol
maceration of flowers also contained high levels of flavonoids (174.30±0.07 mg/g extract). In regard
to the antioxidant of DPPH radical scavenging. Ninety-five percentage ethanol Soxhlet extraction
extract of flowers showed stronger inhibition effect than other extracts. (IC50=0.45±0.00 mg/ml). The
in vitro anti-Denaturation activity that aqueous extracted has the highest % inhibition, followed by
95% ethanol Soxhlet extraction and 50% ethanol maceration. the inhibitory activity was 74.44%,
54.30% and 38.67%, respectively.
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