Comparison, Remote Sensing Techniques, Land Use Classificationบทคัดย่อ
In Thailand the land use has been changing, every day new developments (urban, industrial, commercial and agricultural) are emerging. The purpose of this work is to develop the land use of Pattani Bay a sub-wetland of the Thailand watershed that is an important natural resource to Pattani Province. Remote sensing techniques can be used to assess several water quality parameters and also for land use classifications. For this work the ERDAS Imagine 2014 computer software will be used to develop a land use classification using LANDSAT-8 images. The generated land use classification will be compared with a land use generated using ArcGIS 10.5, to decide which method provides better land use classification. The accuracy of each of the derived classification products was assessed in several ways, after which different product accuracies were compared using statistical means with STATISTICA 13.
After used ERDAS IMAGINE 2014 to perform the classification, significant data has been obtained using a Minimum Distance Supervised Classification method. Correction methods need to be performed for shadows. Land use classification is more detailed using remote sensing tools such as ERDAS IMAGINE 2014 software than the ArcGIS 10.5. Also land use classification using ERDAS IMAGINE 2014, can be performed faster and with more precision, after you have your training samples. Using the obtained results from ERDAS IMAGINE 2014 and ArcGIS 10.5 for land use classification can help to perform a more accurate classification. To perform a better classification of this area using ERDAS IMAGINE 2014, it is recommended to use the Modeler Tool, to correct the errors and be more accurate.
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