Message from the President of Thai Environmental Mutagen Society (TEMS)

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Professor Malyn Chulasiri, BSPharm, PhD


As the vice-president of Thai Society of Toxicology (TST), the president of Thai Environmental Mutagen Society (TEMS), and co - chair of The 1st National Conference in Toxicology, it gives me much honor and pleasure to convey my hearty welcome to all distinguished speakers, guests and participants on coming to the conference at The Twin Tower Hotel, Bangkok.

It is proud to announce the meeting has been agreed to be cooperatively annually organized by TST, The Thai Society of Clinical Toxicology and TEMS. The commitment is to bring together the best minds and latest knowledge in various aspects of toxicology for achieving excellence in education and research of the country. “World Perspective in Toxicology” as the theme of this first national conference in toxicology is what we have to catch closely.


Environmental mutagens are known to be the genotoxic substances that can bring about the negative effects to human health, ecosystems and food chains. They so must be in a great concern for avoidance and protection. TEMS has been established in 1979 from the leading of Professor Dr. Sumin Samutakupta in gathering the members whom attended The 1st Southeast Asian Workshop on Detection of Environmental Mutagens, Carcinogens and Teratogens. The society has run a number of activities locally and internationally since then. Regarding to the mission and vision of the society for stronger operation, we proposed to jointly work with TST especially in organizing the conference.


The one you are attending here now is one among several others. While joining this conference, hope it will bring you more brilliant ideas and result in more linkages with each others. Besides, will look forward enthusiastically to your participation and support to our conferences always. Thank you.


Professor Malyn Chulasiri, BSPharm, PhD
President, TEMS

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How to Cite
Chulasiri, M. (2020). Message from the President of Thai Environmental Mutagen Society (TEMS). Thai Journal of Toxicology, 23(2), 3. retrieved from
Author Biography

Professor Malyn Chulasiri, BSPharm, PhD

President, TEMS