Lead Poisoning Management in Seven Lead Factories in Samut Prakan Province: A Five Years Retrospective Cohort Study

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Kate Chaivatcharaporn


Medical surveillance data of lead workers in seven lead factories in Samut Prakan province shown different prevalence of lead poisoning. This study aim to study the prevalence and lead poisoning management in each factory. A retrospective cohort study was done. Seven lead factories in Samut Prakan province were included. Secondary data recorded of occupational medicine documents in Samut Prakan hospital in the year 2018 and 2022 were collected and analyzed using descriptive statistics. Factory profile, workplace monitoring data, medical surveillance data and walkthrough survey data were included. Lead poisoning prevalence varied from zero to 14.3% in six factories in 2018 and zero to 6.5 % in seven factories in 2022. Most factories used to send their workers for chelation therapy which temporary lowered blood lead level. Most factories shown good correlation between health surveillance data and workplace monitoring data. Two factories shown conflict data, there are lead poisoning cases presented in normal concentration of lead in workplace atmosphere. When repeating air sampling performed by governmental industrial hygiene unit, workplace lead air concentration significantly rose above limit. Engineering control along with appropriate PPEs and workers’ hygiene improvement had been conducted in some factories. In conclusion, lead poisoning cases decreased constantly. Lead factories should focus on accurate workplace lead monitoring in order to make effectively lead exposure control in workplace.

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How to Cite
Chaivatcharaporn, K. (2023). Lead Poisoning Management in Seven Lead Factories in Samut Prakan Province: A Five Years Retrospective Cohort Study. Thai Journal of Toxicology, 38(2), 34–48. retrieved from https://li01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ThaiJToxicol/article/view/258536
Research Articles


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