Micropropagation of Koelreuteria bipinnata Using Juvenile and Mature Explants

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Azza A. Tawfik*
Omer H. Ibrahim
Mona A. Taha


An efficient micropropagation protocol for Koelreuteria bipinnata, an ornamental tree, from mature and juvenile phase tissues was described. Nodal explants from one-year-old branches of a field-grown mature tree (mature phase) and from in vitro growing seedlings (juvenile phase) were used. The nodal explants from mature explants cultured on Murashig and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with or without growth regulators did not show any axillary shoot development. However, 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) at 1.5 mg/l induced axillary shoots from all juvenile explants (100%). It also produced the highest number of shoots (2.5 shoots per explant), the highest rooting percentage (100%), the maximum number of roots (2.80 roots/shoot) and the longest roots (5.87 cm) when it was added as a supplement to the half-strength MS medium culture that included 15 g/l sucrose. Plantlets were successfully acclimatized and transferred to the field with 60% survival rate.


Keywords: BAP; Chinese flame tree;  Juvenile nodal explant; mature nodal explants; sucrose; woody plants

*Corresponding author: Tel.: 020882412559

                                             E-mail: azza7799@yahoo.com

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