Effect of Different Application Methods for Pendimethalin Herbicide on Growth and Productivity of Green Pea Plant (Pisumsativum L.)

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Nahla Salim Hammok*
Fathi Abdullah Al-mandeel


The application of the right herbicides and the avoidance of their use at high levels can protect crops from weeds whilst reducing environmental dangers associated with their overuse. Effects of the use of the herbicide pendimethalin, henceforth referred to as PM, on green pea plants at pre-emergence and post-emergence were studied. Different concentrations of the herbicide were applied at 0.0, 1.4, 2.8 and 4.1ml/l, levels which were equal to doses in the field of 0.5, 1, 1.5 l/Donum. Post-emergent plants showed a significant decrease in plant height (cm), pod number/plant, pod weight (g), pod length (cm), fresh weight of plant (g) and weight of 1000 seeds (g). However, the decrease was not significant in the dry weight of plant (g) and the number of seeds/pod. Also, all studied traits decreased significantly when different concentrations of PM overlapped with the application methods, except in the case of the weight of 1000 seeds. These results showed that the effects of PM reps are apparent from low concentrations of the herbicide, and also that treatment at post-emergence reduces environmental pollution and protects the crop, and especially the parts of the plants that are consumed, from pesticide pollution.


Keywords: chemical pollution; pendimethalin; pea, pre-emergence; productivity

*Corresponding author: Tel: (+964) 7724555215

                                             E-mail: Nahlahammok@yahoo.com          

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