Genetic Diversity of Native Chicken in Uttaradit Province for Sustainable of Utilization and Conservation

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สิริวดี พรหมน้อย
สกุณา พัฒนกุลอนันต์


This study was to investigate genetic diversity of native chicken in Uttaradit Province by using mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) cytochrome b sequences. A total of 22 native chicken of 9 amphoe in Uttaradit province represented. The 560 bases of mtDNA (cytochrome b) were sequenced and compared to native chicken reported in GenBank, and the phylogenetic tree for the native chickens were constructed based on the cytochrome b sequences. Phylogenetic analyses revealed that Thai native chickens were divided into two lineages. The first lineage was closely related to G. gallus gallus andG. gallus spadiceus. The second lineage was closely related to G. gallus gallus, G. gallus spadiceus and G.  gallus murghi.This is the first molecular data report of native chicken in Uttaradit Province. The information generated by this study will greatly aid in the establishment of effective breeding programs and conservation genetics of native chicken in Uttaradit.

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How to Cite
พรหมน้อย ส. and พัฒนกุลอนันต์ ส. (2018) “Genetic Diversity of Native Chicken in Uttaradit Province for Sustainable of Utilization and Conservation”, Journal of Mahanakorn Veterinary Medicine, 12(2), pp. 67–77. Available at: (Accessed: 28 December 2024).
Research Article


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