Histopathological Changes on Oyster Crassostrea belcheri Exposed to Subacute Mercury Toxicity

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Sukanya Phalitakul
Sithichon Rattanachan


Mercury (Hg) is a toxic heavy metal that is ubiquitous environmental contaminants. It leads to biomagnification to food chain. Therefore, mercury poisoning in human can be caused by consuming mercury contaminating diets.  Bivalve shellfish, such as oysters, focus on the biomarker for environmental monitoring. In this study, we examine subacute toxicity of mercury to histopathological changes by using light microscope and scanning electron microscope in oyster (Crassostrea belcheri). Two hundred oysters were divided into one control group and four experimental groups. Each experimental group was treated mercuric chloride (HgCl2) at different concentrations including 2.5, 5, 10 and 15 µg/l respectively. Each group was randomly sampling every three days for one month. The results found that subacute mercury exposure diminished the occurrence of shell gaping as well as increased mucus secretion. Digestive gland was significant pathological damages. Histopathology showed hemocytes and melanomacrophage centers infiltration, decreasing lipid storage and digestive gland atrophy. Increasing of hemocytes infiltration and gill atrophy were also found. In addition, the concentration of HgCl2-exposure at 15 µg/l affected on the most histopathological changes (p<0.05). The present result indicated that the oysters can be used as the biomarker of subacute toxicity of mercury in the environment.

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How to Cite
Phalitakul, S. and Rattanachan, S. (2018) “Histopathological Changes on Oyster Crassostrea belcheri Exposed to Subacute Mercury Toxicity”, Journal of Mahanakorn Veterinary Medicine, 13(1), pp. 35–47. available at: https://li01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jmvm/article/view/123356 (accessed: 7 March 2025).
Research Article


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