Effect of Using Palm Kernel Meal and Saccharomyces cerevisiae as Protein Source for Soybean Meal Replacement in Diet on Nutrients Digestibility, Productive Performance and Carcass Traits in Broiler

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Pattaraporn Poommarin
พิเชษฐ ศรีบุญยงค์


TThe aim of the study was to investigate effects of palm kernel meal with S. cerevisiae as protein source on nutrient digestibility, productive performance and carcass traits in broilers. There were two experiments in this study.  Experiment 1 was the study of effects of palm kernel meal and S. cerevisiae in diet on nutrients digestibility. The results revealed that chemical composition of palm meal with S. cerevisiae consisted of  94.87% of dry matter, 19.09% of crude protein,  17.83% of crude fiber, 12.06% of fat , 4.07% of ash  and  2,010 kcal/kg of apparent metabolizable energy in broiler. It was found that coefficients of protein and fiber digestibility were 64.08%  and 46.21% , respectively.  Experiment 2 was the study of effects of using palm kernel meal with S. cerevisiae in diets on productive performance, carcass traits and foot pad lesion in broilers. A total of 350 birds of one-day-old Ross 308 were divided into five dietary treatments, 7 replications each, 10 chicks per replication. Dietary treatments consisted of Treatment 1: control diet, Treatment 2; control diet using  palm kernel meal and S. cerevisiae replaced with soybean meal at 5, 7.5% Treatment 3; control diet using palm kernel meal and S. cerevisiae replaced with soybean meal at  10, 15% in starter diet and grower diet, respectively. Treatment 4; treatment 2 supplemented with mannanase enzyme at 0.05% of diet. Treatment 5; treatment 3 supplemented with mannanase enzyme at  0.05% of diet. The results revealed that at 1-17 day of age, average feed intake was not significantly different (P>0.05) but FCR of treatment 4 and 5 were better than treatment 3 (P<0.05). At 18-35 and 1-35 days of age, it was found that average feed intake, weight gain and FCR were not significantly different (P>0.05) among treatment groups. There was no significant difference (P>0.05) in carcass traits and foot pad lesion among treatment groups. In conclusion, palm kernel meal can be used with S. cerevisiae as feed stuff in broiler diet at 5 – 15% without negative effects on productive performance, carcass traits and foot pad lesion in broiler.

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How to Cite
Poommarin, P. and ศรีบุญยงค์ พ. (2018) “Effect of Using Palm Kernel Meal and Saccharomyces cerevisiae as Protein Source for Soybean Meal Replacement in Diet on Nutrients Digestibility, Productive Performance and Carcass Traits in Broiler”, Journal of Mahanakorn Veterinary Medicine, 13(2), pp. 123–134. available at: https://li01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jmvm/article/view/142295 (accessed: 7 March 2025).
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