Prevalence and Factors Associated of Gastrointestinal parasitic infection in Meat Goats

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Witsanu Wongsawang
Suwanna Sanyuttitham
Yupaporn Lanamteing
Thanakrit Keawsa-ard
Sineenard Jiemtaweeboon


The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence and factors associated with Gastrointestinal parasitic infection of meat goats in Sai Yok District, Kanchanaburi province. Detection of helminth eggs in Gastrointestinal tract of 182 goats from 16 farms since August, 2018 to July, 2019 found that the individual prevalence was 81.86%. The herd prevalence was 100.00%. The prevalence of strongylid group, Strongyloides papillosus, Trichuris spp., Moniezia spp. and coccidia oocyst was 59.89%, 32.89%, 1.64%, 5.49% and 34.06%, respectively. The infection in grazing goat was 7.314 time higher than those of in housing goat. The prevalence of Strongyloides papillosus infection in grazing goat was 7.953 time higher than those of in housing goat. The prevalence of coccidia infection in grazing goat was 4.507 time higher than those of in housing goat. This study can be used for the prevention and control program of gastrointestinal parasites infection in meat goats in Kanchanaburi province. In addition, it can used as a model for research study in the future.

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How to Cite
Wongsawang, W., Sanyuttitham, S., Lanamteing, Y., Keawsa-ard, T. and Jiemtaweeboon, S. (2020) “Prevalence and Factors Associated of Gastrointestinal parasitic infection in Meat Goats”, Journal of Mahanakorn Veterinary Medicine, 15(2), pp. 93–102. available at: (accessed: 13 February 2025).
Research Article


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