Screening of Salbutamol and Rectopamine in fish Meat by Rapid Test

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Sunisa Sirimongkolvorakul
Tanasid Sornphu
Sumrarn Bunnajirakul


Certain β-agonist are use labelled use as feed additives to improve animal growth and increase muscle mass. This study residues of salbutamol, clenbutarol, and rectopamine in fish meat product were investigated. A total of 15 fish-samples were collected from local markets and shopping mall during April to May 2020 in Nong Chok, Bangkok. Salbutamol, clenbutarol, and rectopamine residues were then analyzed using commercial test kits. Results showed that 33.33% of samples contained salbutamol (2 tilapias and 3 catfishes) and 13.33% of samples contained rectopamine (all sample from catfishes). No difference were detected (p=0.05) among fish meat. The limits of detection were 5 ppb for salbutamol and 3 ppb for clenbutarol, and rectopamine by visual detection. The results shown in this study could be helpful for the measuring of β-agonist residues in the future. However, further analytical method for qualify these residues concentration are needed.

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How to Cite
Sirimongkolvorakul, S., Sornphu, T. and Bunnajirakul, S. (2022) “Screening of Salbutamol and Rectopamine in fish Meat by Rapid Test”, Journal of Mahanakorn Veterinary Medicine, 16(2), pp. 257–261. available at: (accessed: 22 January 2025).
Research Article


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