Preliminary study of hematological profile of buck without blood parasites detected

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montri sanglarpcharoenkit
Grisada Khumpool


The objective of this study was to investigate the hematology profile of buck from a farm in Nong Chok, Bangkok. 10 goat blood samples from external jugular vein in EDTA blood tubes were transferred to analyze at Animal Diagnostic Laboratory Center, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Mahanakorn University of Technology. The results showed that blood parasite was not found. Almost of hematological values were in normal range, but leukocytosis was found in 5 bucks, which had chronic inflammation and one had acute inflammation. Anemia was detected from five blood samples, suspected that these goats had a latent infection, which could make the animals for quarantine. The infection could be spread to other animals, or the infection is too low to detect by using the thin blood smear method. Therefore, PCR technique or blood biochemical test should be considered.

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How to Cite
sanglarpcharoenkit, montri and Khumpool, G. . (2024) “Preliminary study of hematological profile of buck without blood parasites detected”, Journal of Mahanakorn Veterinary Medicine, 19(1), pp. 18–24. Available at: (Accessed: 21 September 2024).
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