Production of Vitamin D Enriched Yeast with UV-B Irradiation and the Degradation of Vitamin D in Rumen Fluid of Thai Native Cattle


  • Patipan Hnokaew Faculty of Agriculture, Chiang Mai University
  • Saowaluck Yammuen-art Faculty of Agriculture, Chiang Mai University


Vitamin D2, Vitamin D3, UV-B irradiated vitamin D enrich yeast


The purposes of this study were to investigate the effect of UV-B exposure condition to produce vitamin D enrich yeast and analyze degradation of UV-B irradiated vitamin D enrich yeast in the rumen fluid from Thai native cattle. The baker’s yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) was selected from single colony of instant active dry yeast by streak plate method for the investigation of the optimum UV-B irradiation time. Yeasts were exposed to different UV-B irradiation for 0, 2, 4, 8, 10, 12, 16 and 24 hours. This study found that UV-B irradiation of all treated yeast enhanced the amount of vitamin D2 and the maximum amount of vitamin D2 at 10 hours (70.5 to 8409277.11 IU/100g DM) was significantly different (p <0.05). The rumen fluid from 4 fistulated Thai native cattle were used for analyze degradation of UV-B irradiated vitamin D enrich yeast. The treatments were divided into 5 groups, which were rumen liquor buffer without vitamin D and yeast supplementation (Control) and those with non-irradiation yeast supplementation (Non UV-B IY), vitamin D2 (VIT D2), vitamin D3 (VIT D3) and UV-B irradiated vitamin D enrich yeast (UV-B IVDRY). The samples were taken after overnight incubation at 39 °C, shaking at 70 rpm for 24 hours in order to analyze of degradation of vitamin D after incubation in the rumen. This study was found that the VIT D2 and VIT D3 groups had decreased vitamin D content from the initial supplementation (411.56 μg compared to 205.48 μg and 393.48 μg compared to 178.44 μg or decreased about 50.07% and 54.64%, respectively). On the other hand, the UV-B IVDRY group had decreased amount of vitamin D at only 18.22 μg or 4.47%. The amount of vitamin D was decreased less than the VIT D2 and VIT D3 groups (p <0.05). Therefore, supplementing UV-B irradiated vitamin D enrich yeast  as a source of vitamin D to dairy cows can help to decrease the loss of vitamin D that is degraded by the rumen microbes, allowing to be more absorbed and utilized.


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How to Cite

Hnokaew P, Yammuen-art S. Production of Vitamin D Enriched Yeast with UV-B Irradiation and the Degradation of Vitamin D in Rumen Fluid of Thai Native Cattle. Health Sci Tech Rev [Internet]. 2021 Dec. 1 [cited 2024 Dec. 21];14(3):36-42. Available from:



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