Effect of thai herbal steam and conventional steam baths on blood pressure in patients with hypertension
Thai herbal steam, Conventional steam baths, HypertensionAbstract
The objective of this quasi-experimental research is to study the effects of the Thai herbal steam and the conventional steam baths on blood pressure values in patients with hypertension. The sample consisted of 30 hypertensive patients, divided into two equal groups: control and experimental groups. The control group received a regular steam treatment and the experimental group received the Thai herbal steam treatment for 20 minutes/time (treatment 2 cycles, 10 minutes/cycle). The trial period was 4 weeks. The blood pressure was measured and recorded before treatment and after treatment of steam for 30 minutes.
The results of the experimental group showed that the mean systolic pressure of hypertensive patients after receiving the Thai herbal steam (128.50 ± 1.16, p <0.05) decreased from before the experiment (Mean = 134.22 ± 1.55, p <0.05) that were statistically significant. In addition, the mean diastolic blood pressure of hypertensive patients after the Thai herbal steam treatment (80.17 ± 0.53, p <0.05) decreased from before the experiment (85.70 ± 0.27, p <0.05.) that were also statistically significant. The results of the study indicated that the Thai herbal steam bath resulted in decreasing the mean blood pressure levels and had an average blood pressure lower than the conventional steam. Therefore, the Thai herbal steam should be promoted to early stage hypertensive patients in order to provide alternative medical treatment instead of medication and to promote the use of Thai wisdom in the treatment of hypertension.
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