Effects of culture medium components and container type on growth and development of blackberry micropropagation


  • Sukalya Poothong School of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Phayao
  • Nanthatchaphon Kaeothom School of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Phayao
  • Orada Chumphukam School of Medical Sciences, University of Phayao


Micropropagation, Mineral nutrition, Sucrose, Containers, Blackberry


     Blackberry is an imported and challenging crop to grow in Thailand. This study aimed to investigate the effects of medium formulations, sucrose concentration and containers on plant growth of blackberry micropropagation. The salt medium formulations, concentrations of sucrose (0, 1, 2 and 3%) and two types of containers (glass bottles with normal lids and vented lids) were tested. The highest overall quality as 2.58 and 2.91 scores were found in shoots grown on MS medium + 3% sucrose using vented lids, and 0.5× MS + 3% sucrose using vented lids, respectively. The shoots grown on a medium without sucrose had poor growth, while shoots grown on a medium with low sucrose concentrations using vented lids had normal growth and similar quality as shoots grown on MS. Selected conditions of the culture medium were conducted and evaluated for antioxidant properties. Shoots grown on containers using vented lids had a higher fresh weight. There were no significant differences in total phenolic contents and DPPH.


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Blackberry shoot appearance after 6 weeks of culturing on MS basal medium of various  strength supplemented with various sucrose concentration in containers of two lid types




How to Cite

Poothong S, Kaeothom N, Chumphukam O. Effects of culture medium components and container type on growth and development of blackberry micropropagation. Health Sci Tech Rev [internet]. 2022 Aug. 23 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];15(2):30-41. available from: https://li01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/journalup/article/view/251247



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