The Suitability and Easily-maintenance Grease Trap for Small Food Production Enterprises


  • ประวรดา โภชนจันทร์
  • จตุรดา โภชนจันทร์
  • พิทักษ์ จันทร์เจริญ


Grease trap, Suitable, Easily-maintenace, Small Food Production Enterprises


This study aimed to investigate the usage and behavior of grease traps to develop the suitable and easily-maintenace grease traps. And to study the efficiency of the grease trap suitable for small food production. Small food production are in Bang Phlat. The area is less than 100 square meters and surveyed 64 food vendors in Bang Phlat district. They selected 100% of the shops. The surveyed area consists of 4 districts as follows: District 1 (Bang Phlat) The 2nd District (Bangyikhan) District 3 (Bangor) District 4 (Bang Bamru) Most of the samples were female. Age between 42-50 years old. Graduated from Vocational Certificate/Vocational Certificate 11,000-15,000 Baht Opening/closing time Shop in other periods. The majority of clients did not use grease traps. Most of the samples were trained on the use of grease traps. The vendors have been informed about the use of grease traps. The three most popular types of media were government officials from television and from the general public. Most of the respondents were knowledgeable about the use of grease traps. Most of the grease traps were in high level. (Average value 4.48). Factors in choosing grease trap are most of the samples were in high level. The average of 4.09 was found by the factors affecting the behavior of grease traps of restaurant operators at the .05 level. Get information about grease traps. Knowledge of the use of grease trap and frequency of restaurant inspection by the staff. The grease trap consists of 4 parts: 1) The food grate serves to filter large dirt such as food waste to reduce the dirt in the first step. Segregation of fat and water 3) Drainage A drain for the water that separates the grease into the public sewer; and 4) a grease-opening valve. A drainage pipe from the grease trap. The grease trap should be cleaned every 4-5 times a month. And from the efficiency study. The durability and satisfaction of the users showed that the results from the collection of wastewater into the water, the treatment of the grease trap. The parameters of effluent are in standard criteria: pH, Oil and grease, BOD, ​​and suspended solids. The efficiency of 100%, 98.82, 98.04 and 99.12 grease trap were respectively. And fatigue test results of the grease trap. Tested from normal conditions, tanks and equipment. Daily cleaning of the tank as it provides insight into the use of grease traps. Water tank leakage test found that the grease trap was normal. And there are satisfied grease traps. The questionnaire was used as a questionnaire. Satisfaction of 90% grease trap.




How to Cite

โภชนจันทร์ ป. ., โภชนจันทร์ จ. ., & จันทร์เจริญ พ. . (2021). The Suitability and Easily-maintenance Grease Trap for Small Food Production Enterprises. Koch Cha Sarn Journal of Science, 43(1), 20–37. retrieved from



Research Articles