Development of Wound Dressing Hydrocolloid Patch of Garcinia mangostana Linn. Extracts


  • อุดมพงษ์ เหลืองนฤดม
  • รัชฎาวรรณ อรรคนิมาตย์
  • ปราณี ศรีราช
  • จตุพร ประทุมเทศ
  • กันย์ชิสา นาคเสน
  • รัตนา อินทเกตุ
  • จิรัญญา พรหมเชียง


Wound dressing path, Mangosteen peel extracts, Antibacterial activity


Garcinia mangostana Linn. or mangosteen in Thai tradition medicine have been used to treatment of diarrhea and wound healing. For Thailand National list of essential medicine, they areplaced mangosteen peel solution for wound care. Therefore, this study aim to develop wound dressing from mangosteen peel 95% ethanol extraction (MPE) for evaluate active compounds compare to α-mangostin standard. For study the efficacy of antioxidant, antibacterial activities, and the development of wound dressing. The results of the study showed MPE had the same Rf values were 0.93, and quantitative of α-mangostin was found 0.013%, R2= 0.999. Free radical inhibition were showed, IC50 =35.56±2.24 µg/ml by DPPH assay and IC50 =12.94 ±1.05 µg/ml by ABTS assay. MPE was showed antibacterial activity on inhibition zone of Staphylococcus aureus and S. epidermidis were 6.00±0.64 mm and 5.87±0.34 mm, respectively, and contrarily could not inhibit Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Results of the MIC and MBC after treated with MPE were exhibited S. aureus and S. epidermidis 31.25, 62.5 mg/ml and 31.25, 62.5 mg/ml, respectively. The MPE on wound dressing patch development on 12 formulations with MPE 0.1, 0.25, and 0.5%. By all of 12 formulation, the 12th exhibited good physical appearance and high effective against bacteria and on drug release characterization. This study concluded that, the wound dressing from MPE had stabilization release on wound dressing patch and can be used to an alternative products used for wound care.  





How to Cite

เหลืองนฤดม อ. ., อรรคนิมาตย์ ร. ., ศรีราช ป. ., ประทุมเทศ จ. ., นาคเสน ก. ., อินทเกตุ ร. ., & พรหมเชียง จ. . (2022). Development of Wound Dressing Hydrocolloid Patch of Garcinia mangostana Linn. Extracts . Koch Cha Sarn Journal of Science, 44(1), 51–61. retrieved from



Research Articles