Soil Protozoa in forest of Rajamangala University of Technology Isan, Surin Campus


  • Khattiya Moonchaisook Faculty of Agriculture and Technology Rajamangala University of Technology Isan Surin Campus
  • Chunchara Thuythaisong


Soil protozoa, forest, investigate, diversity


The aims of this study were to investigate the species diversity and distribution of soil protozoa in the forest of Rajamangala University of Technology Isan, Surin Campus during March to May 2022 and June to August 2022. In total, thirteen classes comprising twenty-eight species of soil protozoa were found. The highest number of protozoa found in the class Tubulinea, with ten species accounting for 35.71% of the total number of species. The frequency of occurrence was analyzed and soil protozoa categorized into four groups; abundant species (found in 90-100% of the sampling sites), which comprised four species; common species (found in 65-89%), totaling six species; moderately common species (found in 31-64%), totaling four species and uncommon species (found in 10- 30%), totaling fourteen species. The distribution of soil protozoa across all sampling sites included Colpoda cucullus, Vorticella campanula, Arcella vulgaris and Amoeba radiosa.


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How to Cite

Moonchaisook, K., & Thuythaisong, C. (2024). Soil Protozoa in forest of Rajamangala University of Technology Isan, Surin Campus. Koch Cha Sarn Journal of Science, 46(1), 20–26. Retrieved from



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