Correlation Factors between Job Operational Characteristics and Job Satisfaction of Nurses in Primary Care Units: Service Area 12, Thailand


  • Lutfee Samael
  • Sang-arun Isaramalai


Keywords: nurse practitioner, job operational characteristic, job satisfaction


This descriptive study aimed to test the relationship between job operational characteristics and job satisfaction of nurses in Primary Care Units (PCUs), service area 12. The sample of 54 nurses was purposely selected from 20 PCUs which multi-stage randomized from all PCUs in the service area. The instruments consisted of a questionnaire that included general information, job operational characteristics and job satisfaction of nurses in PCUs, which its contents was approved the validity by a panel of experts. The job satisfaction questionnaire was examined on its reliability yielding the Cronbach alpha coefficient of 0.94. All data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, and the relationships between job operational characteristics and job satisfaction were tested using Pearson's product-moment correlation coefficient.
The findings showed that job satisfaction of nurses in Primary Care Units of service area 12 was at a high level in 4 aspects (work value, responsibilities, success and work progress, and working environment) and was at a moderate level in an aspect (work support and welfare). The factors related to job satisfaction found at low-level, in which the working environment factors were found as its most related factors (proportion r = .597, safety r = .383, accessibility r = .295). Next, it was a teamwork, as seen working outside PCUs team (r = .410) was higher than inside network team (r = .316). Regarding to the workload, only an academic task was related to the job satisfaction (r = .304).
The findings of factors related to job satisfaction among Thai nurses in PCUs of service area 12, Thailand provide a conceptual framework which can be used to propose as the policy in order to improve working environment, to support continuing education, and to clearly specify the job scope of nurses further.


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How to Cite

Samael, L., & Isaramalai, S.- arun. (2020). Correlation Factors between Job Operational Characteristics and Job Satisfaction of Nurses in Primary Care Units: Service Area 12, Thailand. Princess of Naradhiwas University Journal, 12(3), 155–174. Retrieved from