Development of Community-Based Traffic Accident Prevention Scheme an Integrated Area-Based Approach: The context of Narathiwat Province


  • Hisham Awae Faculty of Nursing, Princess of Naradhiwas University
  • Nirusnee Akachi
  • Muhammadsaid Saleh
  • Mamaphoasee Suemae
  • Hisong Nawa
  • Wanida Awae


Accident prevention, Road accidents, Health belief model


This study was an action research. The objective was to develop a system to prevent accidents on the road in communities of Srisakorn Subdistrict Municipality, Narathiwat Province by participative apporch. The four steps of planning, acting, observing and reflecting were involved. The target group for this study consisted of 30 participants from committee members who were assigned to solve accident problems on the road, representative of each family from communities in the risk area, and 30 motorcycle riders on the road. Data were collected by group discussion and observation semi-structured interview questions. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and paired t-test
The result found that there was well-participated among the working network such as promoting, supporting, and integrating on risk assessment planning in order to find the solutions for road accidents by analyzing the data of road accident fatalities according to the belief model. Moreover, they coordinated activities together from planning, implementing, and evaluating the reflection. The result showed that the community injury rate in 2021 was decreased from 2020 from 197 to 102 people, in which equivalent to 7.53 per 100,000 population, and the mortality rate was 1.47 per 100,000 population. The mean scores of perceived behavior and accident prevention in the community after the development were significantly higher than before (t = -10.04, p < .001).


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How to Cite

Awae, H., Akachi, N., Saleh, M., Suemae, M., Nawa, H., & Awae, W. (2022). Development of Community-Based Traffic Accident Prevention Scheme an Integrated Area-Based Approach: The context of Narathiwat Province. Princess of Naradhiwas University Journal, 14(3), 282–299. retrieved from