Factors Affecting Adjustment of Technical College Students in Three Southern Border Provinces


  • Nuchnat Umoodee -
  • Pouangsoi Worakull
  • Boomrom Suwanpahu
  • Jirawat Tanskull


Adjustment, Technical college students, Three southern border provinces


The aims of this research were 1) to study the level of students’ adjustment, 2) to study factors related to students’ adjustment and 3) to study factors affecting students’ adjustment. 309 high vocational certificate students in three southern border provinces were selected as participants using stratified random sampling. The instruments used to collect data were questionnaire on students’ adjustment, emotional quotient evaluation form, stress scale, self-esteem scale and coping scale. The
5 sets of questionnaire and scales were examined for valid content match by 3 experts receiving the IOC between .6-1.0. The questionnaire reliability was analyzed and obtained Cronbach’ Alpha coefficient of .95, .94, .87, .93 and .95. The statistics used for analyzing the data were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, Pearson’s correlation and stepwise multiple regression analysis.
The results revealed that 1) the students’ adjustment was at a low level (M = 2.23, S.D. = .70, 2) the adjustment was positively correlated with emotional quotient. The self-esteem was also at a low level (r = .164, r = .191) with statistical significance at .05 as well as coping (r = .138) with statistical significance at .01 and 3) according to multiple regression analysis, there were four main variables being able to predict the students’ adjustment; emotional quotient, self-esteem, stress, and coping. All of the variables possess 21.5% (R2 = .215) of ability to predict the students’ adjustment with statistical significance at .05. The factors affecting students’ adjustment were emotional quotient (B = .450) self-esteem (B = .424), stress (B = -.405), and coping (B = .238).


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How to Cite

Umoodee, N. ., Worakull, P., Suwanpahu, B., & Tanskull, J. . (2022). Factors Affecting Adjustment of Technical College Students in Three Southern Border Provinces. Princess of Naradhiwas University Journal, 14(3), 34–48. retrieved from https://li01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/pnujr/article/view/254609