The Effects of Advice Card for Pediatric Patients Receiving Tracheostomy Tube on Caregiver Satisfaction, Quality of Life, and Pediatric Patient Complications


  • Satanee Ngamsanga -


Pediatric patient, tracheostomy tube, Quality of life


This research was a quasi-experimental study. This study aimed to investigate the effects of advice card of tracheostomy wound care on caregiver satisfaction, quality of life, and complications of endotracheal intubation. The samples of this study were thirteen main caregivers of pediatric patients receiving tracheostomy tube. The following instruments used in this study included: (1) an instrument to assess the physical component of patient’s quality of life; (2) an instrument to measure complications; and (3) an instrument to assess satisfaction. There were three phases of data collection included before program implementation, one week after program implementation, and one month after program implementation. Collected data were analyzed by using Friedman test, the Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons, Chi-square test, and Paired t-test, respectively.

The results found that the posttest score for pediatric patients' quality of life was considerably greater than the pretest score in every phase at 0.05 (p 0.001). The quality-of-life scores prior to program implementation, one week after program implementation, and one month after program implementation were 15.63, 18.75, and 21.88, respectively. The quality-of-life scores have dramatically improved at 0.05 (p<0.001). There was one case of a serious complication that included tube dislodgment before the program was implemented, but there were no cases of severe complications after the program was implemented. Mild complications prior to program implementation, one week after program implementation, and one month after program implementation were significantly reduced at 69.2, 61.5, and 0, respectively, at 0.05 (p<0.001). After the program was implemented, every caregiver stated that the advice card could continually applicable.

The conclusion of this study found that the advice card can improve quality of life, prevent complications caused by tracheostomy tube, considerably increase satisfaction, and be used for a long period of time.


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How to Cite

Ngamsanga, S. (2023). The Effects of Advice Card for Pediatric Patients Receiving Tracheostomy Tube on Caregiver Satisfaction, Quality of Life, and Pediatric Patient Complications. Princess of Naradhiwas University Journal, 15(3). Retrieved from



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