Design and Development of 6-D Digital Secure City System Bang Phra Sub-district Municipality

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Srichol Phiromlap
Sahapat Chalachai


The purposes of this research were to design, develop the system, and analyze usage satisfaction of 6-D Digital Secure City System according to the project to develop a 6-D Digital Secure City System of Bang Phra Subdistrict Municipality, Sriracha, Chonburi. The system provides services in 6 areas: building, food, environment, transportation, life and property, and public hazard. The system works as a mobile application and a web application with the used same database. Which the mobile application used to search for information and report fires, the web applications use for municipal officials to provide information, and firefighters to receive fire alerts with location and event pictures. The system can run, show results, and send data in real-time. The sample consisted of 112 people in the area of Bang Phra municipality. Data were analyzed to percentage and average. Google Formswere used to collect data and processed by Google Sheets. The results showed that: mobileapplication covers 6 areas of information, can report fires, find the nearest fire truck and navigation,and search and navigate to safe restaurants. The web application has a back-end system for providing information and can display fire notifications, alarms, locations, and event pictures. The satisfaction on the usage of the system by people in the area of Bang Phra municipality with the 6-D Digital Secure City System Bang Phra Sub-District Municipality overall at a high level (4.26) of satisfaction, easy to use and complete information as per the needs of users at a high level (4.27) of satisfaction. 

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How to Cite
SINGSRI, P., Phiromlap, S. ., & Chalachai, S. . (2021). Design and Development of 6-D Digital Secure City System Bang Phra Sub-district Municipality. Rajamangala University of Technology Tawan-ok Research Journal, 14(1), 54–65. retrieved from
Research article
Author Biographies

PONGPAT SINGSRI, Rajamangala University of Technology Tawan-ok

Information and Communication Technology Program, Faculty of Science and Technology

Srichol Phiromlap, Rajamangala University of Technology Tawan-ok

Information and Communication Technology Program, Faculty of Science and Technology

Sahapat Chalachai, Rajamangala University of Technology Tawan-ok

Agricultural Engineering and Technology, Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources


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