Suitable Index for Wetland Monitoring Using Remote Sensing Data
wetland index, remote sensing, LANDSAT 8, Sam Roi YodAbstract
Lack of labor, budget and technology for short time monitoring of wetland conditions has become a major obstacle to sustainable management and conservation of wetlands. A study of the most suitable index for wetland monitoring is using free and easily accessible satellite images from LANDSAT 8 to overcome the mentioned limitations. Five wetland related indices, namely Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI), Modification of Normalized Difference Water Index (MNDWI), Tasseled-cap Wetness Index (TCWI), Normalized Suspended Material Index (NSMI) and Normalized Difference Suspended Sediment Index (NDSSI) were assessed to classify 6 land covers: high density aquatic-plant, low density aquatic-plant, clear water, low turbidity water, high turbidity water, and forest area in wetland and vicinity areas of Khao Sam Roi Yod National Park in Prajuab Kirikhan Province. For validation of the results, the study area has been divided into 3 zones: water or Zone A, aquatic-plant or Zone B, and forest (including terrestrial plants and others) or Zone C, simple corresponding between land covers in the classified results and the study area were then visually observed. Additional process of accuracy assessment (confusion matrix) using the data from Google Earth database and field survey has been conducted, the derived overall accuracy and kappa coefficient of each result refer to its accuracy. The results showed that only the classification of NDWI presented high correspondence to zonal comparison and calculated accuracy (73.8% of overall accuracy and 0.68 of kappa coefficient). Whereas MNDWI, TCWI, NSMI, and NDSSI showed high confusion in the zones of forest (Zone C) and aquatic-plants (Zone B), and failed to the standard of accuracy with less than 70% of overall accuracy and less than 0.5 of kappa coefficient. In conclusion, NDWI from LANDSAT 8 is a good option and low budgetary for multi-temporal or continuous monitoring in the study area and other wetlands.
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