Biogas Production Potential from Anaerobic Digestion of Food Waste and Pre-Treated Water Hyacinth by Hot Air Oven and Hot Water Bath
anaerobic digestion, mono-digestion, co-digestion, food waste, water hyacinthAbstract
This research aims to study the treatment and utilization of organic wastes, namely food waste (FW) and the primary surface water weed, water hyacinth (WH), for biogas production through anaerobic digestion. It includes evaluating the effect of thermal pre-treatment of WH by using temperature-controlled hot water bath (WHB) and hot air oven (WHO) techniques for mono-digestion and co-digestion of both substrates in batch experiments at mesophilic temperatures for 40 days. It was found that FW and WH were good substrates for biogas production since they consist of high organic substances in terms of VS, accounting for more than 74 %TS. WHB presented a higher tendency to increase the amount of readily organic fractions as substrate in biogas production compared to WHO when considering CODs, VFAs, and Org_N. The mono-digestion of FW had the highest BY value of 189 mLbiogas/gVSadded despite having a high F/M of 4.58 with Volatile Solid Destruction (VSD) of 59.19 %. The WHB digestion had 1.9 folds higher Biogas Yield (BY) than the WH digestion, while the BY of WHO digestion was only slightly different from that of WH digestion, with values of 28 and 24 mLbiogas/gVSadded, respectively, at similar F/M ratios of 1.3-1.4. The results of co-digestion with a substrate mixing ratio of FW and WH (treated and untreated)
~ 80-90 % FW: 10-20 % WH, resulting in an F/M value of ~ 3-3.6 showed that BY was WHB > WH > WHO. Meanwhile, in the ratio ~ 60 % FW: 40 % WH (F/M ~2.3), WH pre-treatment had almost no effect on BY, with WH > WHO > WHB. This is because BY was obtained mainly from the digestion of FW fraction. As a result, BYs of co-digestions were 122-179 mLbiogas/gVSadded with VSD of 61.1-74.1 %.
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