Cricket Frass Decomposition of Ammonia and Carbon Dioxide Emission


  • Sarawut Saenkham Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Mahasarakham University, Kantharawichai, Maha Sarakham 44150, Thailand.
  • Nuntawat Butwong Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Mahasarakham University, Kantharawichai, Maha Sarakham 44150, Thailand.
  • Sopa Cansee -


cricket frass, decomposition rate, ammonia, carbon dioxide


Cricket frass in ponds is a waste that continually accumulates, potentially affecting the quantity and quality of cricket farming. This research aims to study the factors of temperature (28, 35, and 40 °C), moisture content (20, 25, and 30%w.b.), and cricket frass (4.17, 8.68, and 12.86 kg/m2) affecting decomposition, NH3, and CO2. A fractional factorial experiment planned with 15 treatments, each condition repeated three times, was conducted in a temperature-controlled sample box measuring 0.40 meters in width, 0.60 meters in length, and 0.37 meters in height. New cricket frass was prepared after harvesting and cleaning, with moisture content levels adjusted as needed. The bio decomposition test involved sampling cricket frass according to specified moisture content levels, placing 15-gram samples in aluminum containers, packing them in temperature-controlled sample boxes under 15 conditions with 18 samples per box, and removing them weekly for 6 weeks to determine dry weight (without returning the samples). NH3 and CO2 were tested under temperature and moisture content conditions corresponding to cricket frass quantity. Gas production was recorded daily for 42 days. Decomposition rate, NH3, and CO2 were analyzed statistically, along with their relationship to the test factors. The results revealed that NH3 was primarily found at the bottom of the pond, whereas CO2 was distributed throughout the experimental pond. Decomposition was more pronounced in the high-factor level group compared to the medium and low-level groups. Over the six-week test period, cricket frass mass decreased by approximately 10% compared to the initial mass. NH3 and CO2 behavior indicated that NH3 generation peaked quickly, reaching a maximum value of
90-63 ppm between days 2 and 7 before gradually decreasing until the end of the experiment. CO2 production peaked rapidly within 1-3 days, reaching a maximum value between 1050-960 ppm, followed by a rapid decline until stabilizing at a level similar to atmospheric levels. Therefore, at low factor levels, low decomposition results in low values of both NH3 and CO2, making them suitable for cricket farming conditions.


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How to Cite

Saenkham, S., Butwong, N., & Cansee, S. (2024). Cricket Frass Decomposition of Ammonia and Carbon Dioxide Emission. Recent Science and Technology, 17(1), 260490. retrieved from



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