Unique quiz creation system Ready to check and report results about Ordinal Numeral Adjectives in English for Junior high school students and the public

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Metichai Bunyungrod
Phongthep Ruxpakawong


This research aims to develop quizzes focusing on the topic of Ordinal Numeral Adjectives. The quizzes are designed for 8th grade students and the public. The objective is to design and develop quizzes on Ordinal Numeral Adjectives, evaluate answers, and automatically score the quizzes. Two types of tools were used during this research: Type 1) hardware: Asus Rog Strix G15 laptop and Type 2) software: 1. Google Docs, 2. Google Drive, 3. Google App Script, 4. Google Sheets, 5. Google Slides, and 6. Gmail. The research process involves generating a randomized quiz with 20 questions, which is then sent via the system to the test takers. Once the allotted time for the quiz has elapsed, the system disables the ability to edit the answers. The system then proceeds to check the quiz and notifies the test takers of their score. The main benefit of this approach is that the test takers receive multiple unique sets of quizzes, and these quizzes are automatically graded. This eliminates the need for manual evaluation, which results in saving valuable time. The experiment involved two sample groups: one group consisted of 101 individuals from the public and the other group consisted of 38 grade 2/2 junior high school students. It took the 101 individuals from the public an average of 41.46 seconds to create a single quiz file, while the system took an average of 41.90 seconds to evaluate the quiz and report the score. The average score obtained by the test takers was 30.24 points, representing a percentage of 75.60, with a standard deviation of 8.77. For the sample group consisting of grade 2/2 students, the average time to create a quiz file was 27.37 seconds. The system took an average of 25.94 seconds to evaluate the quiz and report the score. The average score obtained by these test takers was 25.94 points, representing a percentage of 64.85, with a standard deviation of 7.66.


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How to Cite
Bunyungrod, M., & Ruxpakawong, P. R. (2023). Unique quiz creation system Ready to check and report results about Ordinal Numeral Adjectives in English for Junior high school students and the public. Kalasin University Journal of Science Technology and Innovation, 2(2), 66–79. https://doi.org/10.14456/ksti.2023.11
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