The Developing Online chemical service workflow tracking system

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Supon Bokum
Tananchania Ounsim
Jettana Weerakul
Taechit Chuenprathumthong


This research aims to 1) study the problem of traditional services in requesting the use of chemicals in the laboratory 2) develop a chemical service system that can track work flows online and 3) study the efficiency of reducing steps work, reduce time, and evaluate satisfaction in using online programs. By holding participatory workshops of laboratory workers to obtain information to design and develop programs. Program development tools use MySQL database management system. Font End display uses PHP, HTML 5, CSS3, Javascript. Back End uses MySQL, PHP, Database management uses HeidiSQL. and use the satisfaction assessment form for using the system. Results of the study of problems in traditional service provision That causes delays and the process cannot be traced. The main reason is the procedure has several steps. and using paper forms which makes services inconvenient After changing to a service system with a newly developed program, work steps can be inspected and tracked online. By adding a colored status bar to notify the status via email and LINE, it increases convenience for service users. Reduce working time Reduce paper use Data is recorded automatically. In terms of efficiency in reducing work steps and reducing time, it was found that work steps could be reduced by 3 steps out of 9 steps, reducing the waiting time of work steps as a percentage of waiting time reduction up to 84.38 – 85.13. And the results from the satisfaction assessment from the user group were at a good level. The total average satisfaction score was 4.19 with a standard deviation of 0.84.

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How to Cite
Bokum, S., Ounsim, T. ., Weerakul, J. ., & Chuenprathumthong, T. . (2024). The Developing Online chemical service workflow tracking system. Kalasin University Journal of Science Technology and Innovation, 3(2), 1–13.
Research Articles


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