Relationship Between Study Results in High School and The First year in University of Students in The Applied Statistics Field of Study, The Faculty of Science, King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang

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Choojai Kuharatanachai
Sujitra Sukonthamut


The objective of this research is to find the relationship between study results in high school and the first year in university of students in the applied statistics field of study, the Faculty of Science, King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, and also the relationship between students’ scores of each subject of O-NET test and their first year examination results. Samples of this research are comprised of 582 students in the applied statistics field of study during the academic year 2015 – 2018. Data required was collected from the Office of Registrar, King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, and the testing statistics include the Paired Samples t-test and the Correlation Analysis.

The research result finds that the GPS in the first and second semester of each students during the academic year 2015–2018 shows the t-values of -3.559, 0.606, -0.387, 13.389 and the p-values of 0.001, 0.546, 0.699, 0.000 respectively. The relationship between GPA scores in high school and the first year’s GPA scores during the academic year 2015 – 2018 show the r values of 0.414, 0.412, 0.440 and 0.493 which represent moderate relationships. The relationship between students’ high school study results (O-NET scores) in the subjects of Thai Language and English Language are highly related to the score of the first year’s result in English. Meanwhile, the scores of Mathematics, Sciences and Social Studies are highly related to the first year’s results of Calculus, General Chemistry, and the Optional Humanities Studies respectively.

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How to Cite
Kuharatanachai, C., & Sukonthamut, S. (2020). Relationship Between Study Results in High School and The First year in University of Students in The Applied Statistics Field of Study, The Faculty of Science, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang. Journal of Science Ladkrabang, 29(2), 1–15. retrieved from
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