Publication Ethics and Duties
The Publication Ethics Standards of the Journal of Science Ladkrabang, Faculty of Science, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang requires all parties involved to comply with the Publication Ethics Standard and Duties as these following requirements.

Ethics and Duties of Editors
1. Editors have to make final decision about whether research or academic articles will be accepted or not without disclosing authors and article reviewer’s information.
2. Editors must consider and select research/academic articles for publication after they have undergone peer review process based on their originality, significance, clarity, and consistency of article content to the journal.
3. Editors must not publish research/academic articles elsewhere.
4. Editors are required to prove their doubts before rejecting the publication of a research/academic article.
5. Editors must review the research/academic articles in terms of plagiarism by using reliable plagiarism-detecting software to ensure that published articles do not plagiarize other author’s publications. In case of plagiarism in any part of the articles, the editors must cease the process and immediately contact the authors.
6. Editors must have no competing interest with the authors and reviewers.

Ethics and Duties of Reviewers
1. Reviewers must not disclose and ensure the confidentiality of the information of the submitted articles to anyone during the review period.
2. Reviewers should have no conflict of interest with the authors in any way that would otherwise jeopardize his or her ability to comment. Prospective reviewers must inform editors and reject research/academic article evaluation if any conflict of interest exists.
3. Reviewers should evaluate research/academic articles in their area of expertise, taking into consideration the significance of the content of the research/academic article to that area of study, without prejudice in assessment.

Ethics and Duties of Authors
1. Authors should write articles academically and formally. Report based on only scientific fact from the research and all authors or affiliations named in the article must be involved in the actual research.
2. The articles submitted by the authors to the Journal of Science Ladkrabang must not be published before or in the process of publication or be published elsewhere.
3. Authors must not duplicate and plagiarize works including self-plagiarism. If fabrication, falsification, and plagiarism are found, published articles or articles in the process of publication will be retracted.
4. Authors must give credit to previous works and include them in the reference section in a correct format.
5. All the contents must not violate the intellectual property or copyright.
6. Authors must specify the funding organization and/or sponsors for support in their research study.

Ethics in Human Research and Ethical Guidelines for the Use of Animals in Research
1. Articles relating to human experiment must be approved by the Ethics Committee on Human Research (if applicable). Authors must attach and include the approval from the Ethics Committee on Human Research when submitting the articles.
2. Articles relating to animal experiments must be approved by the Ethics Institute Animal Care and Use Committee (if applicable). Authors must attach and include the approval from the Ethics Institute Animal Care and Use Committee when submitting the articles.