Predictive Model of Provincial Electricity Consumption in Thailand Using Multiple Linear Regression Analysis

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Witwisit Kesornsit


The aims of this research were to study the effecting factor in the provincial electricity consumption in Thailand and to construct the model for accurate prediction of provincial electricity consumption by using multiple linear regression analysis. The data used in this research is the secondary data from related agency open data. There are 5 dimensions that are used in model development consists of 1) electricity usage profiles, 2) topography, 3) weather atmosphere, 4) industrial information, and 5) household information. The programming language and free software environment for statistical computing is used to analyze and develop the predictive model. The results showed that the statistically significant effecting factors in provincial electricity consumption are 11 factors. Additionally, the most suitable effecting dimensions were in the weather atmosphere and industrial information, which was to have 3 factors. The second suitable effecting dimensions were in topography and household information, which was to have 2 factors. Moreover, the dimension in electricity usage profiles was affected the electricity consumption only one factor. The developed model is fit to the empirical data with R-Square in 95.13 percentage and Adjusted R-squared in 95.04 percentage. The accuracy of the model is 95.13 percentage. Finally, the multiple linear regression model is based on several key assumptions of  gif.latex?\varepsilon&space;_{i}  that are fitted and did not the sample data problem.

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How to Cite
Kesornsit, W. (2021). Predictive Model of Provincial Electricity Consumption in Thailand Using Multiple Linear Regression Analysis. Journal of Science Ladkrabang, 30(1), 55–68. Retrieved from
Research article


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