Determination of Water Hyacinth Mixture Rates to Develop into Ceilings

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Lawan Kankaset


The research aims to study water hyacinth ingredient rates in ceiling development, with water hyacinth being added as an added ingredient. As a consideration for the development of ceiling panels and reducing the current large amount of hyacinths, the researchers took a ceiling panel with a ratio between gypsum: water: sodium silicate and hyacinth by weight. Tested for breaking strength and transverse crack pressure. Swamping, water absorption, density The coefficient of thermal conductivity and nail pull resistance according to the TISI 219-2009 industrial product standard of 5 ratios is 1:1:0.03:0, 1:1:0.03:0.60, 1:1:0.03:0.65, 1:1:0.03:0.70 and 1:1:0.03:0.75 Test showed that ceiling panels containing hyacinth mixtures added to the ratio of 1:1:0.03:0.60 were the most valuable in terms of testing due to longitudinal and transverse pressure. Maximum nail pull resistance labor The benchmark value is in the benchmark. Compared to other ingredient rates, this developed ceiling sheet can reduce the amount of water hyacinth that are currently available and help with the environment.

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How to Cite
Kankaset, L. (2022). Determination of Water Hyacinth Mixture Rates to Develop into Ceilings. Journal of Science Ladkrabang, 31(2), 112–129. Retrieved from
Research article


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