The Identification of Root and Stem Rot Disease of Durian Trees by Algorithm Decision Tree

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Chaisiri Sanitphonklang



An essential problem in durian production is the outbreak of disease, especially root rot; stem rot of durian is the most critical disease. Due to this disease, mature and fruiting durian trees can die. The problems mentioned above must be urgently needed to find a way to help. This research aims to develop a model for the classification of root rot and stem rot disease of durian trees using a decision tree algorithm under the machine learning process. The data set originated from 50 agricultural people in Chumphon province, totaling 500 items. The datasets were divided into two groups: the first group, 150 items of root and stem rot disease of durian trees, referred to as class 1. The second group, the usual 350 items, referred to class 0. Before learning with decision tree algorithms, the data were balanced using Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique (SMOTE). Decision Tree Algorithm (DT) used to classify the data was found to have an accuracy of 99.33 %, and accuracy comparisons were made with the Support Vector Machine (SVM), Random Forest (RF), and K-Nearest Neighbor algorithm (KNN) at 95.33 %, 93.66 %, and 91.33 %, respectively. Discovered that the characteristics of root rot disease durian tree root rot that is effective for classification have three characteristics, namely brown wood, fast gangrene, and there is a rancid smell in the rotten part.

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How to Cite
Sanitphonklang, C. (2023). The Identification of Root and Stem Rot Disease of Durian Trees by Algorithm Decision Tree . Journal of Science Ladkrabang, 32(1), 72–87. retrieved from
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