An Application of Liu Logistic Regression Using the Bootstrap Method for Sex Classification from Sacrum of Thai Population

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Kannat Na Bangchang
Kamon Budsaba
Chanakran Jangtrakul


The purpose of this study aimed to classify the gender from Sacrum of Thai population by Liu Logistic Regression via using Bootstrap method. The results come from the experiment on 78 observations, those contain 46 men and 32 women. There are 13 covariates. The response variable is sex. Those covariates are X1 (the mean of Midventral straight length), X2 ( the mean of Midventral curved length), X3 (the mean of Ventral straight breadth), X4 (the mean of Transverse diameter base), X5 (the mean of Transverse base), X6 (the mean of AP diameter body s 1), X7 (Breadth of alae), X8(the mean of Sacral index (%)), X9 (the mean of Longitudinal curvature index (%)), X10 (the mean of Corporobasal index (%)), X11 (the mean of S1 index), X12 (the mean of Alea index), and X13 (the mean of Sacral base index). The iteration is 500. A parameter estimation is shrinkage D6. Data is separated into 3 cases, those cases are 60:40, 70:30 and 80:20. The criteria is to compare the performance of model is F1 Score from the calculation based on confusion matrix. This research found that the 70:30 is the best case from the model on every point of Sacrum. The value yield the highest F1 score when compared to other cases is 94.74%.

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How to Cite
Na Bangchang, K., Budsaba, K., & Jangtrakul, C. (2023). An Application of Liu Logistic Regression Using the Bootstrap Method for Sex Classification from Sacrum of Thai Population. Journal of Science Ladkrabang, 32(2), 38–52. Retrieved from
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